ISSN 2738-862X

When we examine culture as a whole, we should consider the impact of grand categories with as much attention as we allot to observing the fine points of specialized fields. Understanding issues of human identity, experience and their relation to reality has always been the foundation of both theoretical and practical progress.

Historically such attempts were made by religion, philosophy and science, and more recently by psychology, which is their natural successor and is still connected to each one of them. In a culturological context, it is necessary to look not only at the field of psychology itself, but also at the social and ethical implications of the things we understand about being human as a whole. In this text the concept of psychological literacy is presented as a reliable, albeit somewhat abstract, symptom for diagnosing cultural shifts and their direction.

On the other hand, the information network is a crucial element of cultural development, which facilitates the spread of ideas and knowledge. Following the pattern of the printing press, which was a conductor for the development of modernity, the internet is integral to the development of the next cultural stage of humanity. Therefore, in order to outline the contemporary direction of culture, I examine several psychological vectors of internet and propose that gaining psychological literacy through internet usage will have a positive impact on this new era at whose verge humanity stands.

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